Daisy’s Doggy Daycare and Boarding

By Kelli and Shawn

Located on Cape Cod, we offer unique, comfortable in-home doggy daycare and pet sitting for your beloved family member. We also foster rescued animals and work with many rescue organizations to help find forever homes. Any dog staying with us will feel like part of a family. We limit the number of dogs that we take so that we can devote one on one attention to our guests. We spend 24/7 with them and treat them like one of our own pets. They will be pampered and loved and have lots of playtime. We have lots of experience with anxiety and medical issues and breeds of all shapes and sizes. We do ask that your dog not be aggressive and we welcome all friendly animals who have been neutered/spayed. We also require full vaccinations including kennel cough. We have a fully fenced yard, fully insured, licensed with the town, pet CPR and first aid certified.

We do have an additional fee of $10 for holidays.

(We do not offer last-minute bookings for dogs we are unfamiliar with. And we reserve the right to remove any dogs who create an unsafe environment for our other animals.)

Often we have questions from customers who might be concerned that their little dog may not be safe or will be anxious around our bigger dogs. Here’s an example of how gentle and kind our dogs have been trained to be and the size is never a problem. We have many little dogs thrive here. The only problem we would ever have is if a little dog is aggressive. But 99% of the time the anxious little dogs who come to us are happy and part of the pack within a day. We have never had to tell the customer their dog wasn’t welcome back out of size, age, anxieties or fears. Only aggression.

  • We offer flexible scheduling for drop off and pick up times. We keep our numbers at a manageable level to ensure the safety and fun for all of our guests. Our slots fill up fast and occasionally we do have a waiting list.

    Day Care Rate: $40 per dog per day up to 10 hours

  • We offer a home away from home environment for your dog. We have experience with all levels of anxiety, breeds, sizes and personalities. We also can accommodate most medical needs and medications. They are welcome to sleep on our dog beds, couches and even our beds - whatever they do at home. We don’t crate them unless requested and they are never alone. We truly treat them like family.

    Boarding rate $60 per night per dog

    Additional $40 charge for full day of day care on pick up days after noon.

    Additional $5 per medication administration

  • We require Meet and Greets at 6 pm on weeknights prior to your pet’s first day with us. We will check temperament and give you a chance to meet us and see the environment. Please contact us to set up a meeting. Note… You will not meet our dogs at the meet and greet. We do not introduce your dogs to the other dogs at those meetings as we have a slow process to introducing the dogs without the owners so as they don’t get overwhelmed or reactive. It has proven to work much better. Coming into a room full of dogs can be very frightening and we do not do that at our meetings. Dogs tend to be very protective of their owners as well and typically we’re not getting a true picture of how the dog will be without you around.

  • When you decide you would like to book us, please reach out with your email address and we will send you our Pet Info Sheet to fill out. We will set up a Meet and Greet.

    We require full vaccinations including kennel cough

    Please put Shawn and Kelli’s numbers in your phone and start a group chat for scheduling, drop off and pick up times. We will also text you photos while you are away.

    For drop off AND pick up, please let us know when you are on your way via text and then again when you arrive. We will meet you outside the garage. If you are running early or late, please let us know as we time our other dogs based on what you’ve told us. And we will have your dog waiting with leash on if we have an accurate time.

    There is no need to bring bowls, beds or toys. We have plenty of all

    Bring food in plastic container that is marked in Sharpie with your dog’s name, amount and frequency. Please write out medication frequency and dosages on the Pet Info Sheet.

    • We will treat your dog like family while they are in our home. In the same respect we do ask that our time is respected. We do work 24/7 to take care of animals and we love what we do but understand that we cannot always accommodate last minute changes in plans or late/early drop off and pick up. We are rarely able to leave the house together (for like an actual date or night out) so when we do have the opportunity we like to take it and do plan our lives around when we are expecting drop and pick up. Please be considerate and respectful.

    • We do ask that your dog is well-behaved and trainable while they are with us. We are able to work with just about any dog, but we do draw the line at aggression, destructive behaviors, repeated marking or dangerous acts that put the safety of other dogs at risk. Please have a back up plan in mind if your dog needs to be picked up. (This will only be if they are aggressive - we can work around the other behaviors until you get home)

    • We do book up quickly and we are not able to accommodate last minute requests (last minute means within the next 2 weeks) for any dog we haven’t met. We require a meet and greet first and we almost always are about 3 weeks booked out for meet and greets, so plan ahead accordingly.

    • If you cancel a meet and greet then expect to have to wait about 3 weeks to reschedule. We do not reschedule anyone who is a no show/no call for a meet and greet. Again, please be respectful of our time as we take time to prepare for our meetings and reserve that time just for you and your pups.

    • For boarding or new day care dogs, remember to communicate your drop off and pick up times the day before.

    • If you are texting/emailing/calling with a request during the business day, we may not get back to you till that evening. The days are busy and we are not always able to respond right away. The best time to reach out is in the early evening and if you haven’t gotten a response within 24 hours please reach out again. I usually return messages between 5-7 pm.

  • There are several different types of pet sitting settings. Sometimes you might have to try a few to know the right fit. We only offer boarding and day care in our home which isn’t always the right fit for every dog. Here are the different types of settings available. Consider what you think would be best for your and your pet

    • In home pet sitter -where the sitter comes to your home. Most offer different packages, either from drop ins a few times a day or someone who actually stays at your house overnight. This is appropriate for dogs who are older or would have a hard time adjusting to be in a different home or around other dogs. Usually more expensive than some other options as the pet sitter has to devote 1:1 time to your dog and not be able to take as many clients as once.

    • In home boarding/day care. This is what we offer where you take your dog to someone else’s home where they will be part of the family. They will usually be invited to sleep on the furniture and beds with the family and are not usually left alone for very long. Usually smaller environment, moderately priced. This is good for dogs who do fine out of their usual element, are fully house trained and are not reactive towards other dogs

    • Boarding facility - This is a facility where you take your dog to be with lots of other dogs. Would need to be very well behaved and not aggressive as they could be with 10-20 other dogs. Moderately priced depending on the type of accommodations you select (might be alone at night in their own room or crate. Is not usually staffed at night)

    • Kennel - This is a boarding facility where they take many dogs at once but they are all separated and kept in kennels. They will be walked and fed separately from the other dogs but would be near them - see them and hear them in the kennels. This would be good for dogs who aren’t good with other dogs and if you don’t necessarily want someone coming to the house. Usually the least expensive option

    We are always happy to try your dog out for a trial day of day care if you are not sure how they will react to our environment. Sometimes it takes a day or two to settle in and usually we can work with a dog who might be more anxious. We do sometimes let people know this isn’t the right setting based on how they behave or if they have a lot of accidents as it is our home and our pets need to feel safe too. Please don’t take it personally if we let you know that this wasn’t the right fit. We want your dogs to go home happy and not stressed.


Meet the Pack

  • Kelli and Shawn


    Shawn grew up on Cape Cod, always with a house full of German Shepherds. Kelli grew up on the farms of Kansas surrounded by all types of animals. When they came together almost 7 years ago, they were the go-to team for pet sitting and discovered there is a great need on Cape Cod for qualified pet sitters. Shawn now works full time in the doggy day care and Kelli handles all the scheduling and marketing as well as time with the dogs on evenings and weekends.

  • Daisy

    Lab/Boxer mix

    Daisy was Kelli’s rescue pup. When Shawn and Kelli first met, Shawn watched Daisy for her while she went on vacation and the bond was formed, bringing the family together. Daisy was the original Pack Leader/Day Care Director and was great at keeping all the dogs well behaved and would sense when there was about to be conflict, coming between the dogs. Unfortunately, Daisy passed away this summer from a heart tumor. Our day care is now named in memory of her.

  • Clover

    Boston Terrier

    Clover was adopted by Kelli and Shawn soon after they became a couple. She was best friends and sisters with Daisy and has taken on the role of Day Care Director in her absence. She might be little, but she thinks she is a big girl, never afraid or intimidated by our larger guests. She will also be the first to lead the pack to naptime.

  • Link

    German Shepherd

    Link joined the team in the spring of 2022. He quickly learned to step in as Day Care Director when Daisy passed. Daisy taught him the ropes and now he helps Clover. He is full of energy and will make sure your pups are well socialized and worn out before they go home. He is trained to be gentle and kind with all of our little guests. He will step in between two of our friends who might be starting to get a little rambunctious, and will curb any behaviors from getting out of hand by coming between them and distracting them.

Contact us.


Kelli: 508-237-6180

Shawn: 508-375-1273

Located in Forestdale on Cape Cod - contact us for address

Follow us on social media to keep up with latest events and your pet's daily adventures.


Click here to visit our Merch Store:

(Email us with your orders)


What People Are Saying


“Kelli and Shawn just watched my 2 Goldens. Everything was wonderful. We will definitely use them again!” - Catie


“Shawn and Kelli are absolutely awesome! It was my first time boarding our dog and I was very nervous about it. Not only they were very understanding but they also send me photos and videos of our pup so we can enjoy our trip. Bramble, our dog, also loved going to their daycare. She was very excited to go there and very tired when she came back, we have now relocated and we miss them very much!” - Samantha

“Kelli and Shawn have recently started boarding my moms dog Hope. She is a rescue beagle and is anxious and very attached to my mother and has never left her side. Hope did so well and had so much fun playing with the other dogs. Kelli and Shawn treat the dogs like family and ensure all of the dogs get the special attention they need. They sent pictures throughout her stay and she was playing with all of the dogs in the fenced in yard then sleeping by the fireplace!! If you are looking for a place to take your pets where can can rest assured they are safe, loved and well taken care of it I highly recommend them.” — Cara

“Our little Dude spent this past week with Kelli and Shawn! From the pictures and videos he clearly had a blast! To anyone who needs pet sitting services you won’t find a better duo!” - Brandon and Meghan


Kelli and Shawn were so awesome with our little dog Luna! Luna was so nervous and so were we’ we didn’t need to be. She was so well taken care of, and they treated her like their own. They sent us a lot of updates and pictures too. Highly recommend! Thank you for being so great this week! - Jessica

“Kelli & Shawn provide a safe, fun, daycare experience for my 10 month old lab, Lucy. Shes happy & eager to get out of the car to spend her day with them and their well screened group of playful, friendly pup clients. And, shes always happily snoozing away after a day w Kelli, Shawn and their pack.” — RJ